Home / News / Nevada County Police Blotter: Gas thief causes damage in Grass Valley

Nevada County Police Blotter: Gas thief causes damage in Grass Valley

May 29, 2024May 29, 2024


Grass Valley Police Department

11:02 a.m. – A caller from South Auburn Street reported $1,700 worth of damage from people stealing gas. Over the weekend someone siphoned gas and also damaged several cars by punching holes in the gas tanks and cutting cables to get to the gas caps. The caller requested extra patrol at night.

9:12 p.m. – A caller from Sutton Way reported a transient in the ATM vestibule charging his phone and had two duffel bags. The caller advised the male seemed suspicious.

11:31 p.m. – A caller from Catherine Lane reported her husband had jumped out of a moving vehicle. The caller said she was going approximately 10 miles per hour. The caller advised the subject refused to be in the vehicle with her.

Nevada City Police Department

11:32 a.m. – A caller from Coyote Street reported a customer threatened to beat him up and was outside screaming at people and begging law enforcement to show up. The caller was frustrated with an envelope’s packaging and got into a disturbance with the staff. The caller said he would beat the staff member up, and the staff member challenged him to go over the counter. The caller left the business and the situation was mediated.

6:18 p.m. – A caller from Sacramento Street reported someone pushed his front door open and said, “Oh I thought this place was for rent.” The caller suspected the subject was trying to break in if he wasn’t home.

Nevada County Sheriff Office

8:58 a.m. – A caller from Brunswick Road reported a male in a truck trying to take water from a hydrant. The caller believed the subject was stealing water for growing purposes.

12:05 p.m. – A caller from Darkhorse Drive reported a former employee was at the location and refusing to leave until the caller paid him, and was causing a disturbance. The caller stated it was getting “dicey.”

3:36 p.m. – A caller from McCourtney Road reported a male subject went to the front door, knocked on it, and dropped a Pepsi can. The subject left and then went back and was walking around the residence. The caller stated the subject knocked and when they answered, the subject said, “I poisoned that; do you want to drink it?”

4:12 p.m. – A caller from Highway 49 reported a male driver stopping in the middle of traffic and almost causing accidents. The subject would stop in the middle of traffic and get out of his vehicle and yell at passersby.

8:47 p.m. – A caller from Pekolee Drive reported a neighbor running a loud saw into the late hours of the night.

—Jennifer Nobles

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Wednesday11:02 a.m. –9:12 p.m. –11:31 p.m. –11:32 a.m. –6:18 p.m. –8:58 a.m. –12:05 p.m. –3:36 p.m. –4:12 p.m. –8:47 p.m. –Live scanner feed here: