Home / News / DK Metcalf Diet: Coffee, 3 Bags of Candy, and a Single Meal

DK Metcalf Diet: Coffee, 3 Bags of Candy, and a Single Meal

Jun 21, 2023Jun 21, 2023

DK Metcalf — the Seattle Seahawks' burly wide receiver — is 235 pounds of solid muscle.

It's plain to see; the 6-foot-4 star regularly warms up in a crop top, and when he reaches out to snag a pass, fans watching from the stands can count out each of the clearly defined abdominal muscles contributing to his complete six-pack set.

But despite his incredibly impressive physique, the 25-year-old says he's "probably the worst person to ask" about nutrition. Metcalf outlined what he eats each day during an interview with NBA legend Kevin Garnett for the Hall of Famer's podcast, "KG CERTIFIED," and it's the kind of diet most elementary schoolers could only dream of enjoying.

On a typical day, Metcalf said he wakes up and works out before eating anything. Then, when he starts feeling hungry, he goes to Starbucks to get coffee, which he claims keeps him satisfied for four or five hours.

Once he's ready for some solid food, the 2020 Pro Bowler gets himself candy and water. He's a big fan of gummies, name-dropping Skittles gummies and Life Savers Creations as two of his go-to snacks.

Finally, come 8 or 9 o'clock, Metcalf is ready for his first and only meal of the day. He'll eat dinner — what that entails, he didn't say — and then "go to sleep."

The seemingly disturbed Garnett then asked whether eating candy in such preposterous volumes is "a Monday through Monday" habit, to which Metcalf replied: "I'm a candy eater. Yeah."

Check out the full exchange:

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