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How to make the perfect soggy summer comfort meal

Jun 19, 2023Jun 19, 2023

It’s no pizza in a sunny park, but this caponata is packed with the best of the season and warming on a wet evening

I’m sorry to say I have entirely lost my summer cooking mojo. I look back on June me, the girl who with that first bit of sun began making great plans to spend all of July flitting from pizzas in the park to barbecues on the roof to pub gardens and think: “idiot”.

I thought we’d leave work on a Friday filled with the promise of long summer evenings – the magical kind where you don’t need a plan, just good people, a couple of bottles of something, several bags of crisps and some grass to sit on. In fact I seem to remember declaring myself “done with crisps” at the end of August 2022 after one too many dinners which consisted of little more than a shared bag of M&S salt and vinegar combo mix (Queen of the crisps, I’ll hear no arguments).

In the past week, my cooking has been distinctly wintry. At one point I found myself sitting at my desk fantasising about crumble (blackberry and apple, piping hot with cold custard). A warming pan of spiced chickpeas has seen me through the week. I don’t know how all these people on the internet are surviving on their “girl dinners” of assorted picnicky items – I’m craving pasta, mashed potato and other distinctly un-August fare.

I’ve reached a compromise on the summer dinner front for this Friday night – a (slightly unorthodox) caponata, packed with the best of the season, but warming enough to be exactly what you fancy on a soggy evening. I made it for 40 people at a supper club three weeks ago and it brought some sunshine to a south London greenhouse (note to self: don’t host a dinner in a leaky greenhouse during the second wettest July on record).

There are no raisins in this version (raisins can be divisive), but there is sweetness from tomatoes and a little cocoa powder, and that trademark tang from red wine vinegar. Serve it with toasts (thickly cut sourdough rubbed with garlic, or slices of baguette drizzled with oil and baked until golden) and great dollops of ricotta. And if you can, make it the day before so the flavours have a chance to intensify.